
We all know life happens. Whether it’s divorce, death of a loved one, disease, the downhill spiral of society as a whole, or financial struggles, life… happens, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

For me, the past several years have been that. There has been a full array of things happening in my life and sometimes it feels like the hits just keep on coming. But, there’s something I’ve noticed. When I looked up from my own struggles or just listened to everyone around me, I realized there are a lot of people in the same boat as me. They’re all struggling; not with the same problems but with problematic situations of their very own.

So what can I do about it? One, I can ignore what I’m noticing and just focus on my own stuff. Trust me…that would be a downhill spiral for me. Or. Two, I can give encouragement because we all know everyone needs it, and what person wouldn’t want to receive it; especially if their struggling? We all need to just look up and around us.

So here goes. Welcome, to my blog ”Impart Love”. If you’re going through something and you just can’t see your way through it, if you’re discouraged or overwhelmed, if you’ve been hit by a surprise attack from someone you trusted but won’t trust ever again, then let this place give you a repreve. Let the words sink in you for some much needed rest, a new perspective, and/or an answered prayer of a new direction.

Either way, the world needs a little encouragement. We’ve been through a lot. It’s called the pandemic, social injustice, and what in the world is going on with our governmental leaders, etc.

Now, in saying that, I’m not making this blog geared towards a soapbox platform. No siree! That is not my thing. I just want to give encouragement and help people to feel better. Again…welcome:)

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